Read more about the article Intelligence collective -VS- Intelligence individuelle
Illustration de l'article de l'artiste sculpteur Frédéric Naud, sur le rapport entre l'intelligence collective et l'intelligence individuelle.

Intelligence collective -VS- Intelligence individuelle

Frédéric Naud French Contemporary Sculptor Human engineering is just a natural organic process. Intelligence collective -VS- Intelligence individuelle L'intelligence collective est inversement proportionnelle à l'intelligence individuelleLe constat est là, quand…

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Read more about the article Le plastique et le vivant
Illustration of plastic waste floating in the sea and serving as a great source of food for micro-organisms, in an article by the artist Frederic Naud.

Le plastique et le vivant

Frédéric Naud French Contemporary Sculptor Human engineering is just a natural organic process. Le plastique et le vivant Le pétrole, le plastique et le vivant.Tout semble les opposer et pourtant,…

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